Category Archives: I Did Something Stupid

Welcome to Virginia, girlfriend.

Feeling relieved, I sauntered out of the bathroom, onto the cool night sidewalk with my best attempt at holding my head high. Crossing paths with Alex’s mother on the way, she asked if I felt better. Without revealing too many

Welcome to Virginia, girlfriend.

Feeling relieved, I sauntered out of the bathroom, onto the cool night sidewalk with my best attempt at holding my head high. Crossing paths with Alex’s mother on the way, she asked if I felt better. Without revealing too many


Voting: a humbling experience

After what shall now be dubbed somewhat of a voting “experience,” I feel both obligated and inclined to share with you the unexpected tale of August 3, 2010. I should start out by mentioning that I might have mindlessly displaced


Voting: a humbling experience

After what shall now be dubbed somewhat of a voting “experience,” I feel both obligated and inclined to share with you the unexpected tale of August 3, 2010. I should start out by mentioning that I might have mindlessly displaced